Pastor's Corner October 12, 2003 28th Ordinary Sunday

Together with our Pope, Give thanks to God
In the pastoral letter dated September 25, 2003 from Cardinal Ambrozic, His Eminence reminded all of us to especially pray for Pope John Paul II on October 16. That day is the silver jubilee (25th anniversary) of the Holy Father ascending to the glorious chair as the visible Head of our Roman Catholic Church.

At the same time, Cardinal Ambrozic has designated the coming year as "Year of the Rosary", having started from September of this year and ending in September 2004. At the end of his pastoral letter, His Eminence expressed his gratitude for our support in the defense of the traditional definition of marriage. He has already received over 100,000 signed letters opposing the change to the traditional definition of marriage proposed by the federal government.


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