Pastor's Corner October 19, 2003 29th Ordinary Sunday

"JPII, we love you!"
The Archdiocese of Toronto had organized a concert to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the pontificate of Pope John Paul II on October 12, 2003. Many worldclass performers were invited to perform at the concert. The Silver Symphony Orchestra, which consists of 55 members, is especially established for the concert. Members from the World Youth Day Choir and the Sacred Music Society also performed in the concert.

Two of the performers are physically challenged. Tony Melendez, who is from the United States, was born without arms. He plays the guitar with his feet. He was also one of the performers in the concert when the Pope visited Los Angeles in 1987. After the performance, the Pope walked down from the stage and kissed him as a sign of encouragement.

Adrian Anatawan is a violinist and he was born without a right hand. Despite this fact, he won the 2002 VSA Rosemary Kennedy International Young Soloist Award.

Although physically challenged, they strive for their best. They have won lots of enthusiastic applause from the audience and many are touched by their music.

When Pope John Paul II was elected as the 263th successor to papacy by the Roman Catholic Church on October 16, 1978, he used Jesus' words to address Catholics from all over the world: "Don't be afraid." His insignia, "Totus Tuus" (I totally belong to the Holy Mother) reflects his ardent love towards Virgin Mary.

Let the cheers to the Pope on the World Youth Day "JPII, we love you!" also be our prayers.


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