Pastor's Corner October 26, 2003 30th Ordinary Sunday

Mother Teresa
On October 19, Pope John Paul II beatified Mother Teresa with gratefulness. Monica Besra, an Indonesian Sister who was blessed by the holiness of Mother Teresa, was present at the beatification Mass in Rome.

In 1998, one year after the death of Mother Teresa, Besra's health was in no condition for operation. Hence, her doctor was unable to remove the tumour in her body. In the same year, on September 5, her fellow Sisters rested the religious medal - a gift from Mother Teresa - onto where the tumour was located. The next morning, the tumour miraculously disappeared.

One year later, Archbishop Henry D'Souza appointed twelve specialists to assemble the Diocesan Enquiry Team for the Cause of Beatification of Mother Teresa. The Diocesan Enquiry included field research, interviews with eyewitnesses, and reviews of materials pertaining to the holy life and work of Mother Teresa. The appraisal concluded in the year 2001. The team of experts received approximately thirty-five thousand pages of witnesses, which verified the holiness of the Blessed Mother Teresa.

In 2002, it was announced that Besra was healed by the sanctity of the servant of God Mother Teresa.

"Blessed Mother Teresa, may we follow your example in becoming the servant of God; to humbly love and serve others the same way you serve our Lord, Jesus Christ."


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