Pastor's Corner November 9, 2003 Dedication

Let's Give Thanks to the Lord
This year's "Singathon" event was a big success. It not only raised almost $50,000 for the parish, more importantly, it showed the great spirit of cooperation and unity of our parish! I am especially impressed by the organizing committee's serious attitude towards their work and their ability to think on their feet when the unexpected came up! The recently established 333rd Scout Group and the Children's choir also performed remarkably well!

As in previous years, the offering collected during the Mass for the Souls in Purgatory will be passed on to the Archdiocese, which will use the funds to support dioceses in different mission countries, particularly those in Africa. This is our way of supporting the local churches in those countries.

Also, a Liturgy of Communal Absolution will be held in December. However, please note that the Archdiocese has already given clear notice: any parishioner with sins that can be considered serious must seek out a priest for an individual confession.

On this New Year's Eve, an early Mass dedicated to the Mother of God will be celebrated at 8:00pm. Thereafter, Holy Hour will be held from 11:00pm to midnight, after which a Mass of Thanksgiving will be celebrated to start the New Year.


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