Pastor's Corner November 16, 2003 33rd Ordinary Sunday

Planning for the Unforeseen
The Archdiocese had recently held the "Pastoral Study Seminar". There were altogether two sessions. Each session lasted for 4 days. Over 300 priests attended. The topic for the seminar was: "The way to care for the sick, in particular for the terminally ill".

Life expectance of man has been extended due to well-advanced research and developments in the medical field. At the same time, treatment towards the terminally ill has been monitored under a new ethical and moral focus. The Bioethic Institute was established in Toronto two years ago. The purpose of its establishment is to provide further research and guidelines in analysis of biotechnological developments and theories, under the guidance of our church. The conclusions of the Institute are regarded as very important by the Canadian Catholic Conference of Bishops.

Priests, who have participated in these two seminars, usually perform the Rite of Anointing the Sick on the patient before he/she is hospitalized, in the presence of his/her family members.

We also discussed the Power of Attorney. It is not a 'will'. In fact, it is the appointment of a certain individual to make decisions on behalf of oneself in case one is incapable to manage. This appointment omits a lot of unnecessary administrative procedures in a difficult time.

Regardless of whether you are part of the medical staff or part of the family, it is important to understand this: What the patient needs most may not necessarily be the best medicine, but rather, it is caring, attention and understanding.


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