Pastor's Corner November 23, 2003 Solemnity of Our lord Christ the King

Role model teachings of parents
There is strong cause for the mother of Mencius (Mengzi) to relocate their house to other vicinity. She did it three times to make sure that it was the right neighborhood for Mencius to be molded and grow. Peers and living environment have so extensive influence on the maturing process of youngsters.

Due to the imbalance of work or other inclination, many parents nowadays have cut off strikingly the opportunity and time to be with their children. Stern advice and austere command are not sufficient to counteract the ill effects of some words and deeds of their peers.

Whatsoever the situations are, parents should strive for more solid time to be with their kids. Parents' participation in outdoors activities with children or simply watching them playing ball games are very good ways to foster and enrich the intimacy and close relation with their children. It is not a waste of time.

Adults may disclose and share their innermost thinking when they have such a chance to sit restfully having a drink. However, youngsters would only express themselves freely when they feel that people are sincere and capable to understand them.

The blessing and wisdom of the Holy Spirit is still deeply rooted in the souls and mind of our youngsters. Apparently, they may run against their parents' expectation in temperament and behavior. They even somehow look like evildoers. Please do not lose your temper. They are probably testing your patience and endurance. As for themselves in the near future, they may be facing their beloved who are more difficult to be tamed.

Have trust in your children and keep up your confidence. Love and care for them unconditionally. This is the only way to nurture and educate your kids.


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