Photos (2008)

Date Title
2008/12/31New Year Eve Mass and Celebration of New Year 2009
2008/12/28Feast Day of Holy Family
2008/12/26Feast Day of St. John Parish (Shek Yam)
2008/12/25Christmas Celebration with Filippinos
2008/12/25Christmas Celebration
2008/12/24Diocese Celebration
2008/12/23St. Pau's School (Lam Tin) Christmas Party
2008/12/21Children Celebration
2008/12/21Legio Mariae Celebration
2008/11/30Walkathon in Taipo Waterfront Park
2008/11/28Funeral Mass of Fr Peter Martinelli PIME (1921-2008)
2008/11/25Pilgrimage of the Elders in the Year of St. Paul
2008/11/16Caritas Bazaar in Tsuenwan
2008/11/14Medjugorje Prayers
2008/11/09Co-celebration - Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome
2008/10/26Procession of the Statute of Our Lady of Lourdes
2008/10/12Mission Sunday at Siu-sai-wan Sport Stadium
2008/10/11St. Margaret's Church Parish Feast day
2008/10/04Open Ceremony of Arts Exhibition about the Rosary
2008/10/03Symposium of Divine Mercy in Rosary Church
2008/09/28Scout in HK - 20th Anniversary of 2nd Division of Tsuen-wan District
2008/09/27Feast day of St Cosma & Damian Church, Tsuen-wan
2008/09/21Babies Baptism - 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
2008/09/14Legion of Mary's Recruitment
2008/09/07Visit of Fr Michael Yeung & Caritas staff
2008/09/06St. Mary’s Church Feast day in Hung hom
2008/8/26- 9/3Participated Focolare annual meeting for priest in Switzerland, St. Maurice
2008/08/20Pilgrimage to Churches of St Paul, Yau-ma-tei and Yuen-long
2008/08/17Fr Chavira Sergio’s first Mass at Annunciation Church
2008/08/16Joseph Wong (young man of focolare) @ St Teresa’s Church
2008/08/10Star of the Sea in Chaiwan - Thanksgiving Mass
2008/08/10Star of the Sea in Chaiwan - Feast day Banquet
2008/08/08Medjugorje Prayer
2008/08/05Birthday of Our Heavenly Mother - Holy Hour
2008/7/15-20WYD2008 - Toronto, HK & Macau group
2008/07/27Pilgrimage to Medjugorje - Gathering
2008/07/2717th Ordinary Sunday - 11am Mass
2008/07/25HK Mariapolis - Day 3 (Sharing, Music)
2008/07/24HK Mariapolis - Day 2
2008/07/23HK Mariapolis - Day 1 (Sharing, Music)
2008/07/11Medjugorje Prayers
2008/07/0525th Graduation of P6 Chai-wan-kok Parish School
2008/07/04Departure of HK youth to WYD
2008/6/22 - 7/1Pilgrimage to Medjugorje
2008/06/22Farewell Party to Fr. Joseph Ng
2008/06/0910th Anniversary of Youth Council of North West New Territories Deanery
2008/06/09Sports Day for priests, deacons and seminarians at Holy Spirit Seminary, Aberdeen
2008/06/08Celebration of National Day of the Philippines for Jun 12
2008/06/05Closing Ceremony of Po-aii School
2008/06/04Joint Graduation Ceremony of four kindergarten of Tsuen-wan Area_Tsuen-wan City Hall
2008/06/03Golden Jubilee Celebration of Sr Bun-bun Wong
2008/06/02Memorial Mass for victims of Sichuan earthquake
2008/5/30-31Retreat @ Precious Blood Retreat House, Fanling
2008/05/24Diocesan Celebration of the Feast of Help of Christians
2008/05/21333 Diocesan Priests Monthy Gathering
2008/05/18Cardinal Zen visited our parish at 7pm to explain the letter of Pope Benedict XVI to the Chinese, and celebrated a thanksgiving Mass.
2008/05/18Preparation for Perpetual Adoration Group Meeting
2008/05/13Pilgrimage to the Cathedral and Our Lady of Lourdes of Canton
2008/5/11-12Retreat of Eucharistic Ministers of the Hong Kong Cathedral at the Diocesan Retreat House, Chung-hom-kok
2008/05/11Pentecost Mass & Visitors from China
2008/05/11Selling Cookies - Fundraising for Building-Fund
2008/05/09Medjugorje Prayer
2008/05/09St Mary’s Primary School celebrates 200th Anniversary of Founding of Canossa Sisters
2008/05/06Visits of members of Hong Kong Christian Council to Macau Ecumenical meeting
2008/05/04Introduction of newly baptized into parish life
2008/05/02Mass at an Old Aged Home
2008/05/01HK - Mariapolis
2008/04/28Ecumenical Steering Group
2008/04/27Medjugorje Trip Preparation
2008/04/13Vocation Sunday: Baby Baprism (Adrian Chan)
2008/04/12Vocation Sunday: Baby Baprism (John)
2008/04/063rd Easter 08 Mass with members of Scout in Church and members of Volunteers of Suffering
2008/04/05Gathering of Newly Baptized after Mass
2008/04/05Mass for the Holy Souls, in St Francis of Assiss Church, organized by the members of the Society of the Helpers of Holy Souls
2008/03/30Parish Feast Day
2008/03/30Divine Mercy Sunday
2008/03/22Easter Vigil - Baptism
2008/03/21Good Friday Liturgy @8pm Song1: 基督譴責, Song2: Jesus Remember me
2008/03/21Good Friday Liturgy - Burial of Jesus (after Stations of the Cross in the afternoon)
2008/03/20Holy Thursday - Last Supper, Jesus washed feet for His disciples
2008/03/20Chrism Mass at the Cathedral with 170 priests of the Diocese of Hong Kong
2008/03/18Funeral of Chiara Lubich
2008/03/18Visit St Paul’s Home for the poor
2008/03/18Sharing with Friends of St Paul
2008/03/16World Youth Day 2008 - March for HK Participants
2008/03/16Palm Sunday: Parade around the Church of the Annunication
2008/03/15Palm Sunday @6:30pm (Sat)
2008/03/15Feast day of Cardinal Zen
2008/03/15Medjugorje Prayer (March 2008)
2008/03/02In Sham Shui Po's St Francis of Assissi Church - Scrutiny for catechumens of joint parishes
2008/03/023 Chinese Priests from Hebei Province visited the Church of the Annunciation
2008/02/243rd Sunday of Lent - Scrutiny (80 people)
2008/02/21Gathering of Deanery of South West Zone of New Territories - Chinese New Year
2008/02/20St. Margaret’s Church Prayer Group - Half-day Recollection
2008/02/10Celebrated a Special Mass for Bishop John Tong, Coadjutor Bishop of Hong Kong in the Cathedral
2008/02/09Ha-kak Community had their annual gathering at a local restaurant near SS Cosmas and Damian Church, Tsuen-wan
2008/02/08Visited St. Joseph Home for the Aged in Sheung-shui
2008/02/08Visited St. Mary Home for the Aged in Aberdeen
2008/02/07Chinese New Year's Mass
2008/02/06Chinese New Year's Eve Bazaar in Tsuen-wan
2008/02/06Chinese New Year Eve's Mass
2008/02/04Chinese New Year - Flower Market
2008/01/24Ecumenical Communion Service and Breakfast
2008/01/19Ecumenical Night in Rosary Church at 8pm - about 300 people attended
2008/1/14-17Rome: A Spiritual Gatherings for Diocese Priests
2008/01/16Rome: Gen Verde (Women Singing Group)
2008/1/14-17Rome: Marianpolis Centre - A little town named Castelgando - A Spiritual Gatherings for Diocese Priests
2008/1/15-16Rome: Marianpolis Centre
2008/01/12Ordination of 3 Deacons for the Diocese of Hong Kong
2008/01/11Medjugorje Prayers (January 2008)
2008/01/08Visit Disney Land with elders
2008/01/06Epiphany - Group of parishioners visited the elders
2008/01/05Traditional Latin Mass said by Fr. Francis Lee
2008/01/043rd Day of Study Camp in Holy Spirit Seminary, Aberdeen
2008/01/032nd Day of Study Camp in Holy Spirit Seminary, Aberdeen
2008/01/021st Day of Study Camp in Holy Spirit Seminary, Aberdeen
2008/01/01Mass - Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary