Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary 聖母德敘禱文
Sharing: Experience in Cenacolo
Homily: Morning Holy Mass (English)
Icon of Divine Mercy of Jesus in St. James Church of Medjugorje
Video: Ord 11st 2015 (English Mass in St. James Church - Main Celebtant by Fr. Peter Leung)
Homily: Ord 11st 2015 (English Mass in St. James Church)
Glorious Mystery of the Rosary (part)
Blessing of Religious Articles
Sharing by the Visionary Jakov
Homily: St. John the Baptist 2015
Sharing by the Visionary Ivan Dragicevic
Video: Benediction inside of St. James Church
Homily: Ord 12nd Thursday 2015
Evening Mass (34th Anniversary of Our Lady’s Apparition)
Homily: Ord 12nd Saturday 2015 (English)
Sharing by Fr. Stanko (Parish Priest of Medjugorje)
Sharing of Nancy & Patrick in Castle
Experience of the Visionary Ivan Dragicevic (in English)
Experience of the Visionary Ivan Dragicevic (in Cantonese)
Homily: Evening Holy Mass (in English)
Homily: Evening Holy Mass (in Cantonese)