Photos (2012)

Date Title
2012/12/31Mass in Latin - Mother of God
2012/12/30Celebration of Feast Day & 60th Anniversary of Holy Family Parish
2012/12/26Celebration of Feast Day of St. John the Apostle Parish
2012/12/26Celebration of Feast Day of St. Stephen's Church
2012/12/25Christmas Celebration
2012/12/22Christmas Carol at Discovery Mall
2012/12/22Christmas Carol at PMH
2012/12/16Rally to experience Church Communion
2012/12/14Medjugorje Prayer and Sharing
2012/12/14Christmas Blessing to PM Kindergarten
2012/12/14Christmas Blessing to AM Kindergarten
2012/12/11Sebastian & Teresa's 8th Anniversary
2012/11/11Curia of Legion of Mary
2012/11/11Celebration for Old Folks
2012/11/08Visit St. Joseph's Home
2012/11/04Caritas Bazaart
2012/10/28Marian Procession
2012/10/23Celebration of Canonization of San Pedro Calungsod
2012/10/12Blessing PM Kindergarten Students
2012/10/12Blessing AM Kindergarten Students
2012/10/01Holy Spirit Seminary – receiving Orders of Readers & Servers
2012/10/0125th Jubilee Diocesan Centre for Filippino Migrants
2012/09/28Vocation Sharing - Br. Samuel Chow, LC
2012/09/28AGM - HKCC
2012/09/27AGM - St. Vincent de Paul
2012/09/20National Day - Celebration by Six Religions
2012/09/19Meeting of Chinese Clergy
2012/09/19Funeral of Fr. M Pagani PIME
2012/09/14Medjugorje Prayer and Sharing
2012/09/205Rome: Papal Audience
2012/09/03Meeting: Ex-Alumni of 1971
2012/08/19Celebration of Fr. Peter Leung's 40th years to the Priesthood
2012/08/16Perpetual Vows of Bro Carlos
2012/08/1240th Anniversary of Ordination of Fr. Peter Leung to the Priesthood
2012/08/10Medjugorje Prayer and Sharing
2012/07/28Mariapolis HK
2012/07/27Mariapolis HK
2012/07/26Talk on Our Heavenly Mother at Star of the Sea Church
2012/07/15Talk on Bible Sharing Technique
2012/07/13Medjugorje Prayer and Sharing
2012/07/06Graduation of Kindergarten
2012/06/22-07/03Pilgrimage in Medjugorje
2012/06/17BB Baptism
2012/06/11Joint Graduation Ceremony of 5 Kindergarten Group
2012/06/102nd Anniversary of Tea Corner
2012/06/10Commissioning of Eucharistic Ministers
2012/06/101st Holy Communion of Chinese group
2012/06/091st Holy Communion of Filipino group
2012/06/08Medjugorje Prayer and Sharing
2012/06/02Confirmation of Filipino Group
2012/06/02Clergy Day – Diocese of Hong Kong
2012/05/31Blessing PM Kindergarten Visiting Our Lady
2012/05/31Blessing AM Kindergarten Visiting Our Lady
2012/05/27Ecumenical Gathering
2012/05/27Pentecost Sunday – Confirmation
2012/05/25Vocation Sharing of Fr. Christopher Chor OP
2012/05/18Memorial Mass for the deceased
2012/05/11Medjugorje Prayer and Sharing
2012/04/27Vocation Sharing – Fr. Moses Ngai
2012/04/15Liturgy of Divine Mercy
2012/04/07聖週六 - 復活慶典‧夜間禮儀
2012/04/03Blessing PM Kindergarten
2012/04/03Blessing AM Kindergarten
2012/03/31Palm Sunday @11am
2012/03/31Palm Sunday @9:30am
2012/03/31Palm Sunday (Saturday)
2012/03/25Celebration of the Feast of the Annunciation
2012/03/18Passover Meal
2012/03/03Celebration Mass for Cardinal John Tong
2012/03/02Celebration for Cardinal Tong
2012/02/10Medjugorje Prayer and Sharing
2012/01/22Lunar New Year's Mass
2012/01/19Unity Week Communion Service
2012/01/14Ecumenical Meeting @ Kowloon Methodist Church
2012/01/13Medjugorje Prayer and Sharing
2012/01/01St. Joseph's Senior Home
2012/01/01Feast Day of Mother of Christ Church