默主哥耶 : 黃昏祈禱及彌撒 (2018年7月2日)

July 2, 2018 – Medjugorje – Evening Prayer and Holy Mass at St. James Church



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默主哥耶: 頌唸玫瑰經 (2018年7月2日)

July 2, 2018 – Medjugorje – Prayer of Rosary

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默主哥耶:神父講道 – 常年期第十三週 (週一) (2018年7月2日)

恭讀聖瑪竇福音 8:18-22



(Monday – 13th week in Ordinary Time at Medjugorje @Community Mother Krispina)

A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to Mattew 8:18-22

When Jesus saw a crowd around him, he gave orders to cross to the other shore. A scribe approached and said to him, “Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go.” Jesus answered him, “Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head.” Another of his disciples said to him, “Lord, let me go first and bury my father.” But Jesus answered him, “Follow me, and let the dead bury their dead.”

—The Gospel of the Lord.


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默主哥耶: 聖母顯現及訊息 @藍十字 (2018年7月2日)

July 2, 2018 – Medjugorje – Apparition of Our Lady in Medjugorje @Blue Cross

(Deacon in our group had the opportunity to shake hand with visionary Mirjana)

Message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace for July 2, 2018:
“Dear children,I am the mother of all of you and, therefore, do not be afraid because I hear your prayers. I know that you seek me and that is why I am praying to my Son for you, my Son who is united with the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit-the Paraclete-my Son who leads souls to the Kingdom from where He came, the Kingdom of peace and light.

My children, you are given the freedom to choose, but, as a mother, I implore you to choose the freedom for the good. You, with pure and simple souls comprehend-even if sometimes you do not understand the words-and within yourselves you feel what the truth is.

My children, do not lose the truth and true life so as to follow the false one. By life in truth, the Kingdom of Heaven enters into your hearts, and that is the Kingdom of peace, love and harmony. Then, my children, there will not be the selfishness which distances you from my Son. There will be love and understanding for your neighbors. Because, remember, again I repeat to you, to pray also means to love others, your neighbors, and to give yourself to them.

Love and give in my Son, and then He will work in you and for you. My children, ceaselessly think of my Son and love Him immeasurably and you will have true life, and that will be for eternity.Thank you, apostles of my love.”

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