by pleung | Jan 24, 2014 | Focolare, Word of Life
關於耶穌的「真福」,門徒雖然已經有所認識,但他們還是第一次聽到心裡潔淨的人,不單只像聖詠中所頌唱的,能登上上主的聖山(參閱聖詠 24:4),他甚至還可以看見天主。究竟這麼卓越的潔淨是怎樣的,以致能得到這麼大的賞報?耶穌在以後的宣講中亦多次有所解釋。因此,讓我們按部就班去探討,使能從潔淨的泉源中找出它真正的含意。
為了得到一些成效,我們可以每天多次對耶穌、對天主重複聖詠的呼求,說:「唯有祢是我的上主,唯有祢是我的幸福。」(聖詠 24:4)讓我們嘗試重複這樣做:當我們的心被各種依戀牽引到一些影像,或某種感覺和情慾,因而令我們的善念受到蒙蔽,使我們失去自由的時候,我們更需要這樣做。
但還有一種愛是耶穌命令我們去實踐,並能使我們活出這種真福的,那就是互愛,即以耶穌為例,能隨時準備為別人付出性命的愛。互愛能創造一股新思潮、帶出交流和營造氣氛,令人體驗到一種清澈和純潔的氣質,因為它具有天主的臨在,而只有祂的臨在才能夠在我們內締造一顆潔淨的心(參閱聖詠 50:12)。藉著活出互愛,天主的話自然會產生潔淨和聖化的效果。
by pleung | Aug 6, 2012 | Focolare, Word of Life
「凡在人前承認我的,我在天上的父前也必承認他,但誰若在人前否認我,我在我天上的父前也必否認他。」(瑪10:32- 33 )
by pleung | Aug 6, 2012 | Focolare, Word of Life
“Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father. But whoever denies me before others I will deny before my heavenly Father.”
(Mt 10:32–33)
This word of life is a source of great joy and encouragement for all Christians. With this passage, Jesus calls us to be consistent in living out our faith in him, because our eternal destiny depends on the attitude we have assumed toward him during our lifetime. If we declare ourselves for him before others, he says, he will have reason to declare himself for us before his Father. If instead we have disowned him before others, he will disown us before his Father.
“Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father. But whoever denies me before others I will deny before my heavenly Father.”
Jesus reminds us of the reward or the punishment that awaits us after this life because he loves us. He knows, as one Father of the Church put it, that at times fear of punishment is more effective than a beautiful promise. For this reason he increases in us the hope of endless happiness while at the same time, in order to save us, he awakens in us a fear of being condemned.
His aim is that we may live forever with God. This is all that matters. It is the goal for which we have been called into existence. Only with him, in fact, will we reach our complete self-fulfillment, the full realization of all our aspirations. This is why Jesus urges us to “acknowledge” him here and now. If instead we choose not to have anything to do with Jesus, if we disown him now, when we reach the next life we will find ourselves cut off from him forever.
At the end of our lives Jesus will therefore simply confirm before the Father the choice that each one of us has made while here on earth — with all its consequences. By referring to the final judgment, he emphasizes the tremendous importance and seriousness of the decision we make here. Our eternity is at stake.
“Whoever acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my Father in heaven. Whoever denies me before others I will deny before my Father in heaven.”
How can we best take advantage of this warning Jesus has given us? How can we live his Word?
He himself said it: “Everyone who acknowledges me…”
Let us decide to declare ourselves for him before others with simplicity and openness, overcoming our need for mere human respect. Let’s get out of a state of mediocrity and compromise that empties our lives as Christians.
Remember that we have been called to bear witness to Christ: through us he wants to reach all people with his message of peace, justice and love.
We can bear witness to him wherever we are, whether in our family, at work, among friends, at school or in the many different circumstances of our lives. We can do it first of all, through our behavior, through the integrity of our lives, through our purity, through our detachment from money, through our participation in the joys and sufferings of others.
Furthermore, we can express it through our mutual love, our unity, so that the peace and joy promised by Jesus to those united to him will fill our soul even now and overflow onto others.
Perhaps someone will ask us why we act the way we do, why we are so serene in a world that is so fraught with tension. We will then answer with humility and sincerity using those words that the Holy Spirit will suggest to us. In this way we will bear witness to Christ with our words, too, on the level of ideas.
Then perhaps many of those who are searching for him will find him.
At other times we may be misunderstood, contradicted, made the object of derision, hatred and persecution. Jesus alerted us to this possibility: “If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you” (Jn. 15:20).
We are still on the right path, however, so let’s go ahead to bear witness to him with courage even in the midst of trials, even at the cost of our lives. The reward that awaits us is well worth it; it is heaven, where Jesus whom we love will declare himself for us in front of his Father for all eternity.
Chiara Lubich
by pleung | May 31, 2012 | Focolare, Word of Life
「你們不要為那可損壞的食糧勞碌,而要為那存留到永生的食糧勞碌,即人子所要賜給你們的。」(若6 :27)
「你們不要為那可損壞的食糧勞碌,而要為那存留到永生的食糧勞碌,即人子所要賜給你們的。」(若6 :27)[1]
[1] 本月的生活聖言已在1985年8月份發表過
by pleung | Mar 6, 2012 | Focolare, Word of Life
「主!惟袮有永生的話,我們去投奔誰呢?」 (若6:68)
但是當門徒中有些人,聽說祂要把自己的肉賜給他們吃,把祂的血給他們喝時,便說:「這話生硬,有誰能聽得下去呢?」 (若6:60)
耶穌看見祂的門徒中有許多人退下去,不再同祂往來,於是向十二宗徒說:「難道你們也願走嗎?」 (若6:67)
例如聖大巴西略(註一)憶述說:「有一天,我彷彿從長久的睡夢中醒來,看見那包含在福音中奇妙的真理之光,並發覺世俗準則裡的智慧虛幻不實。」 (Ep. CCXXIII, 2)
註二:“Scritti, Postulazione generale dei Carmelitani Scalzi”第22封信,第734頁,1967年羅馬出版
by pleung | Mar 6, 2012 | Focolare, Word of Life
“Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life”
(Jn 6:68)
Jesus spoke of the kingdom of God to the crowds that followed him (see Lk 9:11). He used simple words, parables taken from everyday life, and yet his words held a special fascination. The crowds were spellbound by his teaching, “for he taught them as one having authority, and not as their scribes” (Mt 7:29). Likewise, when the temple guards sent to arrest him were asked by the chief priest and Pharisees why they did not bring him in, they replied: “Never before has anyone spoken like this one” (Jn 7:46).
The Gospel of John also speaks about the conversations filled with light that Jesus had with individuals like Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman. He explained matters in depth to his apostles. He spoke openly of the Father and of the things of Heaven, and with them he no longer used figures of speech (see Jn 16:25–29). His words were convincing, and the apostles did not retreat even when they did not fully understand his words or when those words seemed too demanding.
Some of his disciples remarked, “This saying is hard; who can accept it?” (Jn 6:60) when they heard him say that he would give them his body to eat and his blood to drink. Seeing that “many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him,” Jesus said to the Twelve: “Do you also want to leave?” (Jn 6:66-67)
Peter, now bound to him forever — having been fascinated by the words he had heard spoken from the day he first met Jesus — answered on behalf of everyone: “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”
Peter had understood that the words of his teacher were different from those of other teachers. Their words were coming from an earthly source, belonging to and having their destiny on earth. The words of Jesus are spirit and life because they come from Heaven: they are a light that descends from above, and their power comes from above. His words have a wealth and depth that other words do not have, no matter how philosophical, political or poetic they are. His are “words of eternal life” because they contain, express and communicate the fullness of that life that never ends, since it is the very life of God.
Jesus is risen and lives, and his words, although spoken in the past, are not mere memories. They are words addressed to all of us today and to every person of every time and culture. They are universal, eternal words.
The words of Jesus! They must have been his greatest “art.” The Word who spoke in human words — what content, what intensity, what expression, what a voice!
Basil, one of the great Fathers of the Church, recounted how “one day, almost as if waking up from a long sleep, I beheld the marvelous light of the truth contained in the Gospel and discovered the vanity of the wisdom of this world.”‘
In a letter of May 9, 1897, Therese of Lisieux wrote: “At times, when I read certain spiritual treatises … my poor little spirit tires easily. I close the scholarly book that breaks my head to pieces and dries up my heart and take in my hands the sacred Scriptures. Then everything lights up: just one word opens my soul to infinite horizons, and reaching perfection seems easy.”‘
Yes, divine words fully satisfy a spirit that is made for the infinite; they illuminate the mind and one’s whole being as well because they are light, love and life. They impart peace — that peace that Jesus calls his own: “my peace” — even in moments of bewilderment and anguish. They give full joy even in the midst of suffering that at times can torment the soul. They give strength, especially in the face of dismay and discouragement. They give a sense of freedom because they open the path to the truth.
“Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”
The Word of Life this month reminds us that the only teacher we want to follow is Jesus, even when his words might seem to be hard or too demanding. This means, among other things, to be honest at work, forgive, put ourselves at the service of the others rather than to think only of ourselves, remain faithful to our families, assist terminally ill persons without giving in to thoughts of euthanasia.
There are many “teachers” around, inviting us to adopt easy solutions, to make compromises. We want to listen to our only Teacher and to follow him, the only one who speaks the truth and who has “words of eternal life.” In this way we too can repeat Peter’s words.
During this Lenten season, as we prepare for the great celebration of the Resurrection, we should really enroll in the school of the one Teacher and become his disciples. What should come to life in us is a passionate love for the word of God. Let us be ready to welcome the word when we hear it proclaimed; let us read it, study it, meditate on it.
But above all we are called to put it into practice as Scripture itself teaches: “Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deluding yourselves” (Jas 1:22). That is why each month we focus on one word in particular, letting it enter us, form us, act in us. By living out one word of Jesus we live out the whole Gospel, because in each of his words he gives all of himself, he himself comes to live in us.
It is like a drop of divine wisdom from the Risen one that slowly sinks in and replaces our ways of thinking, choosing and acting in all the circumstances of our lives.
Chiara Lubich
by pleung | Feb 1, 2012 | Focolare, Word of Life
「你們悔改,信從福音罷!」 (谷1:15)[1] 馬爾谷福音記載,當耶穌開始向世界宣講救恩的訊息時這樣說:「時期已滿,天主的國臨近了。你們悔改,信從福音罷!」 耶穌的來臨開始了一個新時代,這是一個恩寵及救恩的時代。耶穌一開始宣講就邀請我們接受這個偉大的訊息——天國。這是祂令所有人都能接近的事實。 同時,祂立刻指出大家應走的途徑,就是要悔改並信從福音,也就是要徹底地改變生活,並在耶穌內接受天主透過祂向每個時代的人所講的話。 這裡有兩件事是並行不悖的:悔改及信德,而且缺一不可,但兩者都是我們透過生活的聖言,即耶穌的臨在接觸後所產生的效果。這位耶穌今天仍然重複地向群眾 說:
」 當人接受了天主聖言,並把它生活出來時,聖言的效果就是令人完全改變自己的思想(這等於悔改)。聖言把耶穌的情懷傾注在所有人的心中,無論他是歐洲人、澳 洲人、美洲人、非洲人或亞洲人,聖言都能叫人帶著耶穌的心情去應付不同的環境、接待個別的人或面對社會。 但福音怎樣才能在人心裡產生有深度的皈依,引發新的及燦爛的信德呢?其中的秘密就在於耶穌的聖言所蘊藏的奧蹟。它們不僅僅是一些勸諭、建議、提示、指引、 律例或命令。在耶穌的教訓中隱藏著耶穌自己,所以是祂親自向我們講話,祂說的話就是祂自己。 這樣,我們在聖言中與祂相遇。當我們按照祂的意願把祂的話迎接到自己心中時(即是說隨時準備好把聖言在生活中實踐出來),我們就與祂合而為一,而祂也會在 我們心中誕生或成長。因此,面對耶穌這麼迫切,以及極高的要求,我們都能夠而且應該接受祂的邀請。
有 人會認為褔音的教訓太高超及艱難,離大眾的生活及思想方式太遠,有人甚至會充耳不聞或灰心喪志。當然,假如人以為要單憑自己的力量,去改變自己沒有信德 的缺點,一切都會很吃力。但只要人肯努力實踐聖言,那怕只是一句話,也會從中找到一種意想不到的助力;一種獨特的力量;一盞照亮前路的明燈[2]。這是因 為那句聖言被人接受之後,由於它是天主的一種臨在,它使人能獲得自由、潔淨、皈依,並給人帶來安慰、喜樂及智慧。
這 句聖言能在一整天中為我們多次帶來那照亮心靈的光!每當我們發現自己或他人的軟弱;每當我們感到跟隨耶穌實在太困難及荒謬;每當種種困難令我們感到快要失 敗;這句聖言能助我們一臂之力,為我們帶來一股清新的空氣,而且激勵我們重新開始。 只要一個小小而爽快的『悔改』,我們便能擺脫那封閉了的自我,並向上主開放自己,去體驗另一種生活,即真正的生命。 假如你能做到這一點,就不妨把這份體驗跟另一位已經把褔音作為生活方針的朋友分享,這樣,我們會看到一個基督徒團體在自己的周圍再次出現及發展起來。 把上主的聖言生活出來並與他人分享後會帶來一個奇妙的效果:使一個可見的團體興起,這個團體將成為社會的酵母及地上之鹽,在世上每一角落為基督作見證。 盧嘉勒
[1] 本月聖言已於1997年2月份發表
[2] 參閱聖詠119:105
by pleung | Feb 1, 2012 | Focolare, Word of Life
Repent, and believe in the gospel. (Mk 1:15)
In Mark’s gospel, Jesus begins his proclamation to the world, his message of salvation, with these words: ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the gospel.’
The coming of Jesus marks the beginning of a new era, the era of grace and salvation. His first words are an invitation to embrace this great novelty, the actual reality of the kingdom of God which he brings within reach of all people, close to every person.
He immediately shows the way, which is to repent and believe in the gospel. This means changing one’s life radically and accepting the word that God, in and through Jesus, speaks to humanity of all times.
Repentance and faith must go hand in hand. There cannot be one without the other. Rather, both spring from contact with the living word, from the presence of Jesus who, today too, says to the crowds:Repent, and believe in the gospel
When the word of God is accepted and lived, it brings about a complete change of mentality (and that means ‘conversion’). It instils in the hearts of all – Europeans, Asians, Australians, Americans, Africans – Christ’s feelings in relation to circumstances, individuals and society.
But how can the gospel work the miracle of a profound conversion, of a new and light-giving faith? The secret lies in the mystery contained in the words of Jesus. They are not simply exhortations, suggestions, indications, directives, orders, or commands. In his words Jesus himself is present as he speaks, as he speaks to us. His Words are himself; they are Jesus.
And so in the Word, we meet him. By welcoming the Word into our hearts, as he wants it to be welcomed (that is, being ready to translate it into life), we are one with him and he is born or grows in us. This is why each one of us can and must welcome Jesus’ urgent and demanding invitation.
Repent, and believe in the gospel
Some people might consider the words of the gospel to be too high and difficult, too distant from the normal way of living and thinking. They might feel tempted not to listen and to be discouraged. But this happens if they think that they have to move the mountain of their disbelief on their own. Instead it would be enough to try and live just one Word of the gospel to find in it unexpected help, special strength, a light for their path (see Psalm 119:105). Since that Word is a presence of God, communicating with it makes people free; it purifies, converts, brings comfort and joy, and gives wisdom.
Repent, and believe in the gospel
How often this Word of Life can give light to us each day! Every time we come up against our own weakness or that of others, every time following Jesus seems to be impossible or absurd, every time problems threaten to overwhelm us, this Word can give us wings, be like a breath of fresh air, an encouragement to start again.
It would be enough to make a small, quick ‘conversion’ of our route to come out from the confines of our ego and open ourselves to God, and so experience another life, the true one.
And if it is possible for us to share this experience with friends who have also taken the gospel as their code of life, then we will see the Christian community bud or blossom again around us.
For when the Word of God is lived out and shared, it works this miracle too. It gives rise to a visible community, which becomes yeast and salt for society, witnessing to Christ in every corner of the earth.
Chiara Lubich
by pleung | Jan 4, 2012 | Focolare, Word of Life
因此我們可以明白保祿宗徒的這份勸諭:「你們該追求天上的事。」你們該脫離這個世界,不在於形體上,而是在於精神上。我們要擯棄這個世俗的情慾和行 徑,好叫自己在任何境況中都跟隨耶穌的思想和情感的引導。事實上,『天上的事』就是指耶穌帶到世上來的天上的法律,天國的法律,並且祂願意我們現在便開始 實踐。
by pleung | Jan 4, 2012 | Focolare, Word of Life
“If then you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.”
These words of St. Paul to the community at Colossae speak of the existence of a world in which true love reigns, together with full communion, justice, peace, holiness and joy. There, sin and corruption can no longer enter. It is a world where the will of the Father is perfectly fulfilled. It is to this world that Jesus belongs. He opened it up to us by means of his resurrection, by having passed through the arduous trial of his passion.
“If then you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.”
St. Paul says we are not only called to Christ’s world but that we already belong to it. Faith tells us that through baptism we are engrafted onto him, and as a result we participate in his life, his gifts, his inheritance and his victory over sin and the forces of evil. We have, in fact, risen with him.
As long as we are on earth, however, our membership in this world of Christ is not full and totally unveiled. It is not yet stable and definite. As long as we live, we will be exposed to a thousand dangers, difficulties and temptations that can cause us to hesitate, slow down on our journey or even detour toward false destinations.
“If then you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.”
We can understand, then, the exhortation of the Apostle: “Seek what is above.” Materially you walk this earth, but spiritually you can leave it; give up the rules and passions of the world in order to let the thoughts and sentiments of Jesus guide you in every situation.
“What is above,” in fact, points to the laws of a higher realm, the laws of the kingdom of heaven that Jesus brought on earth and wants us to fulfill here and now.
“If then you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.”
How then can we live this Word of Life? It encourages us to not be satisfied with a mediocre life made of half-measures and compromise. It encourages us to conform our lives — with the grace of God — to the laws of Christ.
This Word of Life urges us to live and give witness in society to the values that Jesus brought on earth. It could be a spirit of concord and peace, service to our neighbor, understanding and forgiveness, honesty, justice, integrity in our work, faithfulness, purity, respect for life, and so on.
The possibilities are as vast as life itself, but so as not to remain in the realm of the abstract, let us this month put into practice the law of Jesus that is a kind of synthesis of all the others: to recognize Christ in every neighbor and place ourselves at their service. We will thus prepare ourselves for the final exam of our life.
Chiara Lubich
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