

繼 去年到聖地朝聖,兩個月前去了馬耳他後,近日又訪問塞浦路斯,這幾個地方都是開啓教會歷史的重鎮。教宗提到塞浦路斯占少數的天主教團體和其他基督信仰教會 給予他的熱烈歡迎。教宗說,在古老的帕福斯考古場所呈現的氣氛讓他幾乎感到那裏是基督信仰兩千年歷史的概括。教宗說,在這種氣氛中,亞美尼亞禮的信徒、路 德教會信徒、聖公會信徒之間以兄弟般的情誼更新了彼此爲促進大公對話所盡的只能向前、不能後退的義務。教宗更提到與塞浦路斯現實關係重大的東正教說:“這 個傳統上根深蒂固的義務幷不阻礙東正教團體與天主教團體在大公對話中做出的努力。雙方都受到推動,誠懇渴望在東西方教會間重建圓滿可見的共融。”

教 宗談到在尼科西亞與塞浦路斯總統和政府當局的會晤,他說,他在這項會晤中得以强調在公衆生活中推動道德真理。在與馬龍尼禮和拉丁禮天主教徒的會晤使他看到 他們的激情及在社會中備受贊賞的愛德角色。教宗提到馬龍尼禮教會的生活尤其令人感動,他談到在土耳其人控制的塞浦路斯北部生活的信友團體說:“原屬于塞浦 路斯四個村莊的一些馬龍尼禮天主教徒的存在,意義重大,那裏的基督信徒是受苦和處在盼望中的人。我願意向他們表達我以父親的心懷理解他們的渴望和困難。我 向拉丁禮和馬龍尼禮的所有信徒保證在祈禱中記得他們,鼓勵他們也經由基督信徒和非基督信徒間彼此信任的耐心工作爲福音作見證,在人民中間建設持久的和平與 和諧。”




梵蒂岡電臺訊)結束司鐸年的全球司鐸3天大聚會活動于昨天9日正式展開,有來自世界各地的1萬2千多位司鐸參加。司鐸年是教宗本篤十六世于去年2009 年3月16日宣布、幷從同年的6月19日開始舉行,爲紀念阿爾斯的本堂神父聖維雅內去世150年。第一天的活動,以德國科隆的總主教邁斯納樞機在羅馬城外聖保祿大殿帶領默想開始,接著是聖職部部長胡默斯樞機主持彌撒。由于前來參加這3天活動的司鐸非常多,因此一部分司鐸在聖保祿大殿參加,另一部分則在聖若望拉特朗大殿中參加,後者通過視頻會議聆聽了邁斯納樞機的默想。

邁斯納樞機所講的默想主題是:歸依與使命。他說,司鐸在告解亭中可以把目光投入許多人的心中。他又說,從歸依到從事傳教使命的路程,是以從告解亭的一邊到另一邊、從懺悔者的一邊到聽告解司鐸的那一邊這過程來完成。邁斯納樞機指出,教會和司鐸生活中的許多弊端,根源出自告解聖事的日益衰微。他解釋說:“罪是人們通過司鐸而認識基督的最大障礙,而寬恕則是超越這障礙的最大的愛。” 邁斯納樞機說,告解是重新開始相信,同時也開始發現直到那一刻,我們沒有深入地信賴天主,爲此,我們應該請求寬恕。






梵蒂岡電臺訊)教宗在12日 到葡萄牙法蒂瑪訪問的首要活動是到聖母顯現小堂向聖母祈禱。這是個非常重要的時刻。教宗虔誠的跪在聖母像前,這裏就是聖母顯現給3位小牧童的地方。

教 宗在他的祈禱文中說:“我如同探望母親的兒子,由衆多的弟兄姊妹陪伴著到你面前,向你的無玷聖心獻上孩子們的喜悅及希望……問題及痛苦:我把所有人托付給 你”。教宗提到,先教宗若望保祿二世來法蒂瑪時感謝“那只無形的手”把他從1981年5月13日遇刺的死亡中解救出來,把一枚子彈奉獻給聖母,這枚子彈曾 嚴重傷害到他,他把它放在聖母雕像的花冠前。

教宗繼續他的祈禱說:“知道你的加冕不僅用我們喜悅和希望的金銀,也用我們憂慮和痛苦的‘子 彈’,這爲我們是一大安慰。”教宗感謝法蒂瑪的牧童們在聖母的啓發下爲教宗的祈禱和作的刻苦,也感謝每天所有爲伯多祿的繼承人祈禱的人,好讓教宗在信德中 堅强,在希望中有魄力,在愛中熱心。最後教宗向聖母獻上一支金玫瑰,作爲對全能天主藉著瑪利亞在來到法蒂瑪的許多朝聖者心中所行的事的驚嘆與感激。

Support Priests, especially in Moments of Difficulty

VATICAN CITY, 5 MAY 2010 (VIS) – In today’s general audience, which was celebrated in St. Peter’s Square, the Pope focused his remarks on the priest’s mission to sanctify humankind.

“Sanctifying a person means putting that person in contact with God”, said the Pope, noting how “an essential part of a priest’s grace is his gift, his task to establish such contact. This comes about through the announcement of the Word of God, … and particularly intensely in the Sacraments”.

“Over recent decades”, he went on, “various schools of thought have tried to make the aspect of announcement prevail in the priest’s mission and identity, separating it from sanctification. It has often been affirmed that there is a need to go beyond merely sacramental pastoral care”.

“Ordained ministers”, the Pope explained, “represent Christ, God’s envoy, they … continue His mission through the ‘Word’ and the ‘Sacrament’, which are the two main pillars of priestly service”. In this context he identified the need “to reflect whether, in certain cases, having undervalued the faithful exercise of ‘munus sanctificandi’ has not perhaps led to a weakening of faith in the salvific effectiveness of the Sacraments and, in the final analysis, in the real action of Christ and His Spirit, through the Church, in the world”.

“It is, therefore, important to promote appropriate catechesis in order to help the faithful understand the value of the Sacraments. But it is equally necessary, following the example of the saintly ‘Cure of Ars’, to be willing, generous and attentive in giving the faithful the treasures of grace that God has placed in our hands, treasures of which we are not masters but custodians and administrators. Especially in our own time – in which on the one hand, the faith seems to be weakening and, on the other, there is a profound need and widespread search for spirituality – it is necessary for each priest to remember that … missionary announcement and worship are never separate, and that he must promote a healthy sacramental pastoral care in order to form the People of God and help them to fully experience the liturgy … and the Sacraments as gratuitous gifts of God, free and effective aspects of His action of salvation”.

The Pope went on to highlight how “each priest knows he is a tool necessary for God’s salvific action, but nonetheless just a tool. This awareness must make him humble and generous in administering the Sacraments, respecting the canonical norms but also profoundly convinced that his mission is to ensure that mankind, united to Christ, can offer itself to God as a living and holy sacrifice acceptable to Him”.

Addressing himself directly to priests the Holy Father encouraged them “to practice liturgy and worship with joy and love”. He also renewed his call “to return to the confessional, as a place in which to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation, but also as a place in which ‘to dwell’ more frequently, that the faithful may find mercy, counsel and comfort, feel themselves to be loved and understood by God, and experience the presence of Divine Mercy alongside the real presence in the Eucharist”.

“I would also like to invite each priest to celebrate and to live the Eucharist intensely”, said Benedict XVI. Priests “are called to be ministers of this great Mystery, in the Sacrament and in life”.

Likewise, “it is indispensable to strive after the moral perfection which must dwell in each authentically priestly heart”, because “there is an example of faith and a witness of sanctity that the People of God expect from their pastors”.

Pope Benedict concluded by calling on the faithful “to be aware of the great gift that priests represent for the Church and the world. Through their ministry the Lord continues to save mankind, to make Himself present, to sanctify. Give thanks to God and above all remain close to your priests with prayer and support, especially in moments of difficulty, that they may increasingly become pastors in keeping with God’s heart”.


VATICAN CITY, 13 APR 2010 ( VIS ) – The Press Office of the Holy See today published the following communique:

“The International Investigative Commission on Medjugorje met for its first session on 26 March 2010.”

“The Commission, presided over by Cardinal Camillo Ruini, His Holiness’ vicar general emeritus for the diocese of Rome, is composed of the following members: Cardinal Jozef Tomko, prefect emeritus of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples; Cardinal Vinko Puljic, Archbishop of Vrhbosna, president of the Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia-Herzegovina; Cardinal Josip Bozanic, Archbishop of Zagreb and vice-president of the Council of European Bishops’ Conference; Cardinal Julian Herranz, president emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts; Archbishop Angelo Amato, S.D.B., prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints; Msgr. Tony Anatrella, psychoanalyst and specialist in Social Psychiatry; Msgr. Pierangelo Sequeri, professor of Fundamental Theology at the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy; Fr. David Maria Jaeger, O.F.M., consultant to the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts; Fr. Zdzislaw Jozef Kijas, O.F.M. Conv., relator of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints; Fr. Salvatore M. Perrella, O.S.M., teacher of Mariology at the Pontifical Marianum Faculty of Theology; and Fr. Achim Schutz, professor of Theological Anthropology at the Pontifical Lateran University as secretary. Msgr. Krzysztof Nykiel, an officer of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith serves as additional secretary.”

“Other experts have also participated in the commission’s work: Fr. Franjo Topic, professor of Fundamental Theology in Sarajevo; Fr. Mijo Nikic, S.J., professor of Psychology and Psychology of Religion at the Philosophical and Theological Institute of the Society of Jesus in Zagreb, Fr. Mihaly Szentmartoni, S.J., professor of Spirituality at the Pontifical Gregorian University, and Sr. Veronica Nela Gaspar, professor of Theology at Rijeka.”

“As announced previously, the work of the Commission will be carried out with the utmost reserve. Its conclusions will be submitted to the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith for study.”

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Holy Mass of Easter Sunday, the Resurrection of the Lord

TIn St. Peters Square, embellished for the 25th time with splendid Dutch floral arrangements, Benedict XVI presided over the Holy Mass of Easter Sunday.The Eucharistic celebration began with the Resurrexit Rite: the unveiling of the new Acheiropita icon, a reproduction based on the original medieval model, which depicts Christ the Savior sitting on the throne.To the sound of the Surrexit Dominus, two deacons showed the image of the Risen Christ first to the Holy Father, and then to the faithful, thus restoring the ancient tradition according to which, at the beginning of the celebration, the Bishop of Rome encounters the Risen Lord in the icon, becoming the first witness of the resurrection…

(Source:  Youtube – Vatican’s Channel)