Word of Life – February 2010

“I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture” (Jn 10:9)

February 2010 – Find joy

Jesus presents himself as the one who fulfills the divine promises and the expectations of a people whose story is marked by an alliance with God that has never been revoked.
The idea of the gate is similar to and explained quite well by another image used by Jesus: “I am the way… No one comes to the Father except through me” (Jn 14:6). He is truly a passageway, an open door that leads to the Father, to God himself.

“I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture.”

Practically speaking, what does this Word of Life mean? Other passages of the Gospel have implications similar to this phrase from John. Let us reflect on the “narrow gate,” through which we must strive to enter (see Mt 7:13) so as to enter into life.
Why did we choose this passage? We feel that perhaps it is the closest to the truth that Jesus reveals about himself, and it helps us see best how to live it.
When did he become this wide open door, completely open to the Trinity? At the moment the door of heaven seemed to be closed for him, he became the gateway to heaven for us all.
Jesus Forsaken (see Mk 15:34 and Mt 27:46) is the door through which a perfect exchange between God and humanity takes place; in his emptying, he united the children to the Father. It is through that emptiness (the opening of the door) that we come in contact with God and God with us.
So he is at the same time a narrow and wide open door, and we ourselves can experience this.

“I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture.”

In his abandonment, Jesus himself became our access to the Father. His part is done. But to take advantage of such a huge grace, each one of us must do his or her tiny part, which consists of approaching that door and going through it.
How? When we suffer because of disappointment or something painful, or because of unexpected misfortune or unexplained illness, we can recall the suffering of Jesus, who experienced all these trials and a thousand others.
Yes, he is present in everything that speaks of suffering. Every suffering of ours can bear his name.
Let us try to recognize Jesus in every hardship, in all life’s difficult situations, in every moment of darkness, in our personal trials and those of others, in the sufferings of humanity. All these are him, because he has taken them upon himself.
It would be enough to tell him, with faith, “You, Lord, are my only good” (See Ps 16:2). It would be enough to do something tangible in order to alleviate “his” sufferings in the poor and those who are unhappy, in order to go beyond the door and find a joy on the other side we have never experienced before, a new fullness of life.

By Chiara Lubich

The Word of Life, taken from Scripture, is offered each month as a guide and inspiration for daily living. From the Focolare’s beginnings, Chiara Lubich wrote her commentaries on each Word of Life, and after her death in March 2008, her early writings are now being featured once again. This commentary, addressed to a primarily Christian audience, was originally published in April 1999.

Daily Thoughts for the Year for Priests (January 18)

18 January

I have to disarm
I have fought this war. For many years.
It was terrible. But now I am disarmed.

I fear nothing,
because “love chases out fear”
I am disarmed from the will to win,
And justifying myself at the expense of others

I am no longer on guard,
jealously holding on to my wealth.
I welcome and share. I am not especially attached to my ideas or projects.

If others have better things to propose,
I accept them willingly…
Whatever is good, true, real, wherever it is,
It is always better for me.

So I am no longer afraid.
When you have nothing
You are not afraid any more

“Who can separate us from the love of Christ?”…
If we disarm, I we divest ourselves of everything,
If we open ourselves to the God-man
Who renews all things,
Then he will wipe out our wicked past
And restore to us a new era where everything is possible.

Ecumenical Patriarch Ahenagoras I

Atenagora Chiesa ortodossa e futuro ecumenico
Morcelliana, Brescia 1995, pp. 209-211

(published by the Priestly Branch of the Focolare Movement)



阿特那哥拉一世 宗主教
(Patriarca ecumenico Atenagora I)

(Atenagora Chiesa ortodossa e futuro ecumenico)

Daily Thoughts for the Year for Priests (January 17)

17 January
“Counselling” in the Church

A moment in the development of language in the early church can be found in the adjectives and adverbs that qualify their way of dealing with one another. For example, the sharing of the gifts of the Spirit was to be done “for the benefit of the community” (1 Cor14:12); “prophesying in turn, so that everyone will learn something.”( 1 Cor 14:31); everything was to be done “with propriety and in order” (1 Cor 14:40), “everybody is to be self-effacing” (Ph 2:3) in mutual relationships; …they were to grow as a body “fitted and joined together, every joint adding to its own strength.” (Eph 4:16). In the sections that deal with admonishment or disapproval, everything was to be done “in a spirit of gentleness” (Gal 6:1), and proclamation was be done “boldly” (Eph 6:20)

If we examine these and other aspects of the language, we realise that some constant themes emerge: order, kindness, diligence, care and attention, sufficient organisational ability to avoid confusion or dispersal… The counsel given in the Church was for itself, with the purpose of establishing order, unity, humility and obedience, to assist in overcoming impulsiveness, inopportune or untimely declarations, and the inability to gather ideas and put them together.

Card. Carlo Maria Martini

Il consigliare nella Chiesa
Al Consiglio pastorale diocesano, 15 aprile 1989

(published by the Priestly Branch of the Focolare Movement)


在初期教会的交流中,我们发现不少形容词和副词来修饰沟通的形式。例如,神恩的互换,是为了“建立团体”(格前:14,12);说先知话,应“一个一个的说,为使众人都能学习”(格前:14,31); “一切都该照规矩按次第而行”(格前:14,40);在相互关系中要“存心谦下”(斐:2,3);……应在“因各关节之互补互助,结构紧凑”(弗:4,16)的同一身体内成长;在警告或谴责时,应伴以“柔和”(迦:6,1);宣讲时该“坦诚无惧”(弗:6,20)。

马尔蒂尼枢机(Card. Carlo Maria Martini)


Daily Thoughts for the Year for Priests (January 16)

16 January
The “civilization” of community

From the Acts of the Apostles we can see how all Christian communities, growing and multiplying according to the laws of living organisms, all follow the same guidelines. The practice of Jesus’s commandment is the raison d’être of the community itself, and is the totally new and original aspect that sets this community apart from others.

The whole pastoral activity of the Apostles can be summed up as enabling everyone to live the new commandment, which is the summary of the Law and the Prophets. John writes, “This is the commandment that he has given us, that anyone who loves God must also love his brother” (1 Jn 4:21)

The Apostles experienced this communion with Jesus and were the first to be aware of the Kingdom of God among them. Their task was to enable others to enter into and share in this communion, for this is the original “civilization” that God wanted to share with us.

Silvano Cola

Scritti e testimonianze
Gen’s, Grottaferrata 2007, p. 57

(published by the Priestly Branch of the Focolare Movement)



司万诺•科拉(Silvano Cola)

《新青》,Grottaferrata 2007,75页

Daily Thoughts for the Year for Priests (January 15)

15 January
Communion between Pastors and people

Communion must be cultivated and extended day by day and at every level in the structures of each Church’s life. There, relations between Bishops, priests and deacons, between Pastors and the entire People of God, between clergy and Religious, between associations and ecclesial movements must all be clearly characterized by communion. To this end, the structures of participation envisaged by Canon Law, such as the Council of Priests and the Pastoral Council…
The theology and spirituality of communion encourage a fruitful dialogue between Pastors and faithful…Significant is Saint Benedict’s reminder to the Abbot of a monastery, inviting him to consult even the youngest members of the community: “By the Lord’s inspiration, it is often a younger person who knows what is best”. And Saint Paulinus of Nola urges: “Let us listen to what all the faithful say, because in every one of them the Spirit of God breathes”.

Pope John Paul II

Novo millennio ineunte 45

(published by the Priestly Branch of the Focolare Movement)




《新千年的开始》牧函 45

Daily Thoughts for the Year for Priests (January 14)

14 January
Forming responsible people

It would be too easy to associate only with people who desire comfortable lives, who wish just to be “towed along”, to be helped or assisted, or just to receive. With them you can play the part of big brother, making them dependent on you.
Your role ought to be that of forming responsible people who want to stand on their own two feet, like real men and women.
It is hard, but you must be decisive and help others to rouse themselves from inactivity, to think for themselves, to organise their own lives, to stand up for themselves, and if necessary to disagree with you.
In that way you will be truly happy to see them growing alongside you.

Card. François-Xavier Van Thuan

Spera in Dio!
Città Nuova, Roma 2008, p. 42

(published by the Priestly Branch of the Focolare Movement)




新城出版社,罗马 2008,42页

Daily Thoughts for the Year for Priests (January 13)

13 January
Showing the father to the world

I am aware that you, God the Father almighty, have to be the main aim of my life, in such a way that every word of mine, every feeling, expresses you.
The exercise of the word, that you have given me, can have no greater reward that that of serving you by making you known, of showing this world that ignores you or… denies you, that you are Father, Father of the only (Son of) God. This is the only aim I have.

Saint Hilary of Poitiers

PL 10, 48

(published by the Priestly Branch of the Focolare Movement)



(Sant’Ilario di Poitiers)

拉丁教父集 10,48

Daily Thoughts for the Year for Priests (January 12)

12 January
If a city were set on fire

If a city were set alight at various points, even by small fires, but they managed to resist being put out, soon the city would be aflame. If a city, in the most different places, were lit up by the fire that Jesus brought on earth, and this fire, through the goodwill of the people who lived there, managed to resist the ice of the world, we would soon have the city aflame with the love of God.
The fire that Jesus brought to earth is himself. It is charity: that love which not only binds the soul to God, but also souls to one another.
In fact, a lighted supernatural fire means the continual triumph of God in souls who have given themselves to him and, because they are united to him, united among themselves.
Two or more people united in the name of Christ, who are not afraid or ashamed to declare explicitly to one another their desire to love God, but who actually make of this unity in Christ their Ideal, are a divine power in the world. And in every city these souls could exist in families: father and mother, son and father, mother and mother-in-law. They could meet in parishes, in associations, in social bodies, in schools, in offices, everywhere.

Chiara Lubich

New City London 2005, p. 59

(published by the Priestly Branch of the Focolare Movement)




灵修著作/ 1
新城出版社,罗马 1991,70页

Daily Thoughts for the Year for Priests (January 11)

11 January
Living members everywhere

In my country before Perestroika (döi mái), in each of the two dioceses of Langson and Bac Ninh in North Vietnam, only two priests were left, and they could not freely leave
their residences. Cardinal Giuse Maria Trinh Nhu Khuê recounts: “Small groups of two or more lived the Gospel daily and helped one another in every way; and in their reciprocal gift they experienced the presence of the One who said, ‘But take courage; I have conquered the world!’ (Jn 16:33) ”
Above all, it is thanks to these small groups…that the Church in my country survived. Everywhere, in fact, one could verify the presence of Christ, even among two Christians who met in the market or among two men who worked side by side in a re-education camp. It was not necessary to speak to each other. A particular context was not needed. It was enough to be united “in his name,” which means in his love. One experienced the presence of the Risen One who enlightens and comforts…
Precisely when all was lost, Jesus began to walk the streets of our country again. He left the tabernacle and made himself present in the schools and in the factories, in the offices and in the prisons.

Card. François-Xavier Van Thuan

Testimony of Hope
Pauline Books, Boston 2000, p143-144

(published by the Priestly Branch of the Focolare Movement)


越南是我的国家,在北部有两个教区兰森和北宁,在改革开放之前,每个教区只剩下两位神父,而他们也受到管制,不得自由出入离开居住地。若瑟枢机主教(cardinale Giuseppe Trinh Nhu Khuê)记述说:“这些由两个或两个以上的人组成的小团体,每日以福音为生活准则,在各方面彼此帮助,在这种互为礼物的经验中,他们体验到主的临在,他曾说过‘你们要有信心,我已经战胜了世界!’(若:16,33)”。


新城出版社,罗马2008 第十版

Daily Thoughts for the Year for Priests (January 10)

10 January
Multiply small communities

Strive, therefore, in every parish…to restore life to the small groups or counselling centres for the faithful who proclaim Christ and his word, places where it is possible to experience faith, to put charity into practice and to organize hope.
This structuring of the large urban parishes by the multiplication of small communities allows the mission a larger breathing space, which takes into account the density of the population and its social and cultural features which are often very different. If this pastoral method is also to be applied effectively in workplaces, it would be important to evangelize them with a well thought-out and adapted pastoral ministry since, because of the high social mobility, it is here that people spend a large part of their day.

Pope Benedict XVI

Pastoral Convention of the Diocese of Rome
26 May 2009

(published by the Priestly Branch of the Focolare Movement)



